
Friday, July 10, 2009

Don’t Become A Feast for Mosquitoes

Many regions around the country experienced above-average amounts of rainfall during the month of June. This trend is continuing into July in many areas. All this extra rain has resulted in mosquitoes breeding at 3 to 4 times their normal rate. If you have spent any time outdoors lately, you have undoubtedly noticed that there are a lot more mosquitoes buzzing around this year than in recent years. These buggers are carriers of the West Nile Virus and have insatiable appetites for feeding on the blood of humans and animals. Even if the mosquitoes that bite you and your family do not transmit disease, the intense itching caused by their bites can be very uncomfortable.

There are three keys to protecting yourself and family from mosquitoes looking for a feast. The first key is to eliminate areas of standing water in your yard and near your home’s foundation. Fill-in holes you find in your yard and around your homes foundation. Look for other things like overturned trashcan lids and containers, and large cracks in concrete that can collect rainwater and provide mosquitoes with the perfect spot for breeding hordes of mosquito babies, and fix them to ward off a mosquito population explosion.

The second key is to use mosquito and insect repellent to keep bugs from bugging you. You should read the instructions provided with whatever product you decide to use to ensure its safe use. Experts recommend using personal repellent products that contain ingredients such as DEET, eucalyptus, lemon oil, and Picaridin as the best repelling protection from mosquitoes and other insects. There are also many different mosquito/insect repelling products to choose from for your yard to help protect you and your family from biting insects so that you can enjoy outdoor activities. Mosquitoes and other insects dislike the scent of lavender. For a natural repellent use 1 part oil of lavender to 3 parts water in a quart-sized spray bottle and spray on yourself, family members and even your pets to keep insects at bay. Repeat applications frequently.

The color of your clothing is the third key to preventing mosquitoes from making a feast out of you. Darker clothing is a magnate for mosquitoes so you should wear lighter colored clothing to help repel them when you are outdoors. It is also advisable, although not the most comfortable of ideas in hot summer temperatures to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants when you are outside, and especially when you are in tall grassy or wooded areas. This can protect you from ticks as well, which carry Lyme disease.

Prime biting time for mosquitoes is from dusk to dawn. The very best protection from them is to stay indoors during these hours whenever possible. Hoping you and yours have a wonderful and safe summer and that the tips illustrated above will help protect you and your family from the insurgence of the abundant numbers of mosquitoes we have this year.

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